Unique and Commissioned Jars
Accretion Vessels
Blown, sculpted, assembled glass, walnut, copper, brass, pearls.
Installation of 4, 20”L / 10”W / 36”H
Private collection
“Accretion Vessels” refer to the layering, both literal and figurative, of the pieces, from the physical stacking of the glass and wood elements themselves but also the layering of multiple techniques/ideas that was needed to make them. The copper formed on the sides of an electro-plating tank, layered growths or “accretions” leftover from the over-saturation of the solutions, like crystals. The pearls, too, are accretions of layers of nacre in the oyster in an attempt to protect itself from impurities.
Last Current Assessment
Blown, sculpted, etched, assembled glass, hemp, wax.
66”L / 35”W / 68”H
Redwood and steel table forged and fabricated by Denny Schuler. Private Collection.